We are a family run, Thai – English, business situated in the North East of Thailand and also in Bangkok. My name is Nun and my husband, who is English. is Andy. So if you need to chat in English Andy will always be available to help you with any inquiries you may have.
We have been breeding Betta fish for many years and selling them locally and then decided to make this website to share our beautiful fish worldwide for other people to buy and enjoy.
Our betta fish store sells all types of beautiful betta fish such as halfmoon betta, halfmoon plakat betta, crowntail betta, double tail betta and our specialty are giant betta.
Breeding and keeping Betta fish is a joy and can be so rewarding but can also be very challenging. Most of the fish on this website have been bred by ourselves at our fish farm.There are also some fish that we have bought from our friends and posted on this store for sale. In comparison to many Betta farms in Thailand ours is of medium size but we put the emphasis on quality and not quantity to ensure our customers and friends receive only top quality healthy fish.