18OCT 2022
Betta fish Housing

Betta fish Housing

I had to reply to your topic, I can totally relate having been there myself, it s not an ideal situation but adjustments can be made. I still stand by my method, but the decision is yours to which way you go and I wish you the best. In relation to your cycling/ water change question I would avoid doing 100% water changes, I believe they are just too stressful. (I personally hate…

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16OCT 2022
Betta fish spawning

Betta fish spawning

Food for fry Before you even consider spawning a pair remember you are going to have up to 200 little fry to feed. Be prepared, we feed our fry for the first 4 weeks with Microworms. There are a lot of feeds available to feed fry decide before you spawn which you are going to feed. Conditioning Pairs…

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14OCT 2022
Interesting Facts about Betta fish

Interesting Facts about Betta fish

Bettas Are Carnivorous In Nature Generally, Betta fish are carnivores (or, to be more exact, insectivores). They prefer to feed on insect larvae, worms, fish pellet and flakes. They also feed on eggs of insects occasionally. In general, if you see Bettas feeding off of plant roots and such, it means they re very hungry and unable to find the insects they crave for. The Warrior…

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12OCT 2022
AquaBid Betta fish

AquaBid Betta fish

Some people may be wondering how to do this. It can be confusing and taunting. For starters: The thought of getting your fish from another part of the country or the WORLD for that matter may be scary. The thought of your betta beauties going through the mail is even scarier. Trust me it s 100% safe. Sure there s a few DOAs but bettas are very good travelers. In fact your bettas…

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10OCT 2022
Where do Betta fish originate from?

Where do Betta fish originate from?

There are two types of Betta fish: Betta Splendens aka Siamese Fighting Fish Freshwater fish that originate from southeast Asia, the males usually sold and kept in small containers and prized for their colors and long, flowing fins. Females are sometimes sold as well, but their colors are muted and they do not have the same fin growth, so they are less common to see. Males are aggressive…

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08OCT 2022
Small Betta fish

Small Betta fish

You go to the pet shop and you buy a betta. All the other fish are in proper tanks, but the bettas are in cups swimming in their own poop! Most of them are dead, some of them are half dead, the other ones are grossly sick. Most pet shops out there tell you that they can live in tiny places like bowls. You put your fish in a bowl because the pet employee told you so, but bowls will…

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06OCT 2022
Betta fish without food

Betta fish without food

Your tetras might not be fine for two weeks without food, that s really pushing it. One week probably, two weeks, a whole lot less likely. The same thing applies to your betta. The size of the fish and how well you ve been taking care of them prior to leaving for vacation matters too. Bigger/older fish can go longer without food than smaller/younger fish. A full grown neon (~2 inches)…

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